I found an old video on my computer while deleting some old files yesterday that brought back some sad and good memories. It was a short compilation of videos taking in 1993 & 1994 Taken while putting together a relay team of Cystic Fibrosis patients to run the Boston Marathon. The first 2 years I ran the first 8 miles of the marathon. After handing off the baton on marathon day in 1993, I left determined to complete the full marathon the following year. The following year in 1994, after handing the baton off, I continued running until the finish line. I completed the marathon in 3:52:??. I ran the marathon to help inspire others with Cystic Fibrosis and to spread the word of this little known deadly disease. My completing the full marathon proved that the medical community wasn’t always right and CF patients are capable to achieve things that medicine said we couldn't.

Granted I am not norm CF patient, nor am I normal, ask anyone that knows me. I don't like being toid what I can and I can’t do. My poor parents can attest to that. I was 34, living a pretty unencumbered life with Cystic Fibrosis while watching many others in the clinic at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston gasping for their every breathe. The average life expectancy of a CF patient at that time was under 30 and I was 34 running a marathon. I lost my elder sister of 11 months, Penny, 18 years earlier at the age of 16.

Cystic Fibrosis is a horrid disease. Want to know more? Ask Siri or Alexa, both give you a good overview of the number one genetic killer of children.