Last week some lucky person hit the Florida lottery down the street at a 7-Eleven that I pass daily. Instead of being happy for the person that won, I got thinking how unlucky I have been and that I could never win the lottery. Of course I couldn’t win the lottery, you need to purchase lottery tickets to win the lottery. ;) Besides, have you heard what lottery money does to many people? Buckets of money gets many people into trouble, family members you haven’t seen in years all of a sudden come calling, friends think they deserve your money, Some forget how quick it goes when you spend recklessly and others get into trouble. I gave up on Getting in trouble in 1984, when I broke my crack pipe and stopped drinking & doing drugs. Yea, I am An x-druggie. Which brings me to gratefulness. Being grateful for me is one of the best attributes that I can practice. I always thought if I just had that car or this house, I would be truly happy. Real happiness only comes from being grateful, because being grateful for what you have means you don’t need anything and when you don’t need anything you are at peace. Kind of like after you finish a delicious dinner and you are satisfied and relaxed. This practicing gratefulness has really helped me become a much happier person. I still have to stop wanting things but I am doing my best to stay grateful throughout the day which isn’t easy. Stuff happens and messes with your day. A few months ago I added this "Practice Gratitude 🙏🏻” to my todo app Things, I place it at the beginning of my todo list so, so it is always my next todo and I am reminded to stay grateful every time I look at my watch. A very nice reminder.


