I will be 60 in April 2020. The older I get the more forgetful I get. I have heard this from the “elderly” for years and now I am the elderly and I am experiencing this shortness of memory. Even after living my life with Cystic Fibrosis, a double lung transplant, a kidney transplant, heart surgery when my transplanted lung stuck to my heart, multiple operations for intestinal complication’s and I still feel like a much younger person than I am, except for my memory.

Now that I am experiencing memory problems myself I can understand how frustrating being forgetful can be. Lately, when talking I frequently can’t finish a sentence because I can’t remember the word I need to convey what I want to say. How frustrating and often embarrassing. I can watch a movie and six months later watch the same movie and enjoy it just as much as the first time because I forgot I watched it until my wife tells me.

The sad part is it can only get worse. The good thing is I am grateful for most every day I wake up.